Thursday, 29 October 2009

Losing and gaining.

One odd week ago, I lost my wallet. It kinda sucks.
I had to block my bank cards, and my driving license was in there as well....
Oh well. I got a new card from my British bank after two days, and it's good that I leave my Finnish account untouched for some time :)

Last Friday night me, Lera and one of our supervisor and her family went to Millets farm to experience the "Mass-acre Maze", a Halloween maze in a cornfield with some hired people running around scaring the living hell out of the people walking in it. I shot a video of 99% of the time we spent in the maze. I'll put it up sometime, if I remember :)

Tomorrow Friday, I'm going London to my cousin, and on Saturday night we're going to a Halloween party. I'll dress up as Håkan Hellström :D It was my cousins idea, and I like it!

And the latest news, I'm going home for Christmas and New years! OoOh!
My first plans was to go to Liverpool to some EVS friends, but since then, something has happened, and I've chosen to go home instead.
No, nothing bad happened. Not bad at all acctually. :)

Happy Halloween!

Ps. All of you non Finnish people who might read this, remember the words "Maalaisjärki" and/or "Bondförnuft", I'll talk about it another time :)

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Work progress, language and life

Everyday that goes by on work makes me like it even more! The thin we do is not only very important, it's also very fun to do! Soon we, me and my EVS buddy, will be able to deliver our own sexual health stands, so that's really good!

From now on I will write this blog in English only, since I have people reading this from almost all over Europe.

My life seems to be going quite good right now. I really enjoy my work, I have good contact witht he people at home, and soon I'll be getting to know some Oxfordians as well! And there is another thing I'm really happy sbout at the moment, but it's too early to ay anything about that.

Oh, and today I bought the sixth part of the trilogy about The hitch hikers guide to the galaxy. Hope it's good!
Now I'm off to finally listen to an artist that I've been waiting to liten to ever since I read the lyrics of a few songs of his.

Until next time, cheers
// A flying Finn.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

The long awaited video!
And why not the link to the photoalbum aswell? Don't worry, you don't have to be signed in to look at them.

Mr. Woodnote and the Bonobo Hobos in Oxford, Swindon and Bristol

AAAAND the video :D


Friday, 2 October 2009

Nödlösning 2.0

Med den rubriken kanske ni undrar va ja talar om, när jag aldrig ens nämnt en Nödlösning 1.0.
Nåh. Nödlösning 1.0 var att surfa me mobilen i dens engna yttepytteskärm, på obila versioner av de fyra viktigare sidorna:
- Google
- yahoo mail
- x3m-comunityn
- Facebook.

Nödlösning 2.0 går fortfarande ut på att surfa med hjälp av mobilen. Men denna gång använder jag den som externt modem. Ipluggad i datorn fungerar telefonen som ett mobilt bredband (mokkula). Att ja int tänkt på de tidigare. Såhär ha ja ju surfa tidigare.

"Men! De e ju hur dyrt om helst!?" kanske du funderar.
Med min operatör får man, förutom en massa minuter till telefoner med samma operatör, även tillgång till Live Messenger, Skype, och vid varje top up (keditladdning) 150MB att surfa med.
Visst, mobila sidor är ju mycket mindre i form och storlek, och tar därför färre MB att använda, men vill man kolla sin mail, facebook'a loch x3m'a litet och skriva ett och annat blogginlägg, så fungerar det hur bra som helst. Något youtube eller sånt så e de ju inte tu tal om, men de klarar man sig utan.

Delivery'n igår skrev ja inget mer om. Det kan jag göra nu istället.
Det vi gjorde va att vi satt i ett rum som gränsade till aulan i en skola här i Oxford. Dit fick skolungdomarna droppa in och fråga frågor om sexuella hälsa, (ska man översätta sexual health så, eller finns det något bättre?) få gratis kondomer, eller utföra klamydiatest. Allt detta gratis.
Jag gillar THT.