Saturday, 23 January 2010

New music.

I was asked to write a text to the Finnish Red Cross' website about my first half of the year here.
Good thing I started this blog! Gives me some help.. Otherwise I wouldn't know waht to write.

I've recently discovered the Swedish duo Far & Son. They sing the amazing song Panik, and another good song called Tjeckoslovakien. One of the guys in this band is also a member of Maskinen, who plays kinda the same music. I really like Maskinen aswell.
The first song I heard from Maskinen came out when I was in the army.

Can't describe the bands music, so I guess I'll just have to show you some videos.

OH! Speaking about Maskinen. When I first arrived in the UK, a French guy listened when i played Maskinen on my computer and said, with his perfect English with the perfect French accent
"This sounds quite like a French band!". I'll give you that aswell.


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